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August 2022

Wallace & Gromit’s makers Aardman first to sign up to Good Employment Charter

Wallace & Gromit’s makers Aardman first to sign up to Good Employment Charter

17th August 2022

The West of England’s first-ever Good Employment Charter has been launched by Metro Mayor Dan Norris today (27 July) as part of a push to develop good jobs, deliver opportunities ...

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Can you offer an industry placement opportunity?

Can you offer an industry placement opportunity?

17th August 2022

Industry placements are part of the newly implemented T levels qualifications, which provide a technical alternative to A levels. Industry placements can vary in length but must last for a ...

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Free Support to work towards net zero

Free Support to work towards net zero

12th August 2022

Is your business asking itself, “what steps should we be taking to become more sustainable?” Skills for Clean Growth is a fully funded programme of support led by the University West ...

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FREE Sustainable Technologies Scale-Up Programme

FREE Sustainable Technologies Scale-Up Programme

1st August 2022

Are you developing low-carbon technologies? Or are you looking for ways to make your business and its products and services more sustainable? If so, you could benefit from this fully ...

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Food Works free 1:1 clinics

Food Works free 1:1 clinics

1st August 2022

Food Works are introducing a series of 1-1 clinics, designed to address industry-relevant topics to develop your skills and support you in moving your business forwards as a food/drink manufacturer. This support is ...

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Transforming and Evolving with Spacebar

Transforming and Evolving with Spacebar

1st August 2022

Creating Spacebar at the Sovereign Centre has so far; provided an opportunity for local businesses to access support through live digital projects delivered by Weston College students, free of charge. ...

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