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October 2023

Simplified approach to qualifying for a heat pump grant consultation

Simplified approach to qualifying for a heat pump grant consultation

6th October 2023

On 31 August, the government set out new proposals to make it cheaper and easier for homeowners and small businesses to install heat pumps. Proposed measures could mean varying the ...

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North Somerset Council Corporate Plan Survey

North Somerset Council Corporate Plan Survey

3rd October 2023

North Somerset Council is drawing up its corporate plan for the next four years and wants to hear views of local residents about what is most important and how council ...

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Circus Around & About 2 Announced

Circus Around & About 2 Announced

3rd October 2023

The future is bright for the circus sector in the south-west! Its innovation and creativity have been rewarded with a new Arts Council England funded project that will cultivate and ...

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Centre For Sustainable Energy: Home Energy Advice Helpline

Centre For Sustainable Energy: Home Energy Advice Helpline

27th September 2023

As part of North Somerset Council’s allocation of the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), a freephone home energy advice service is part-funded for households in North Somerset. The advice ...

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Carbon Literacy Action Day – Free Carbon Literacy Training In North Somerset

Carbon Literacy Action Day – Free Carbon Literacy Training In North Somerset

22nd September 2023

Are you looking for ways to reduce both financial and carbon costs of your organisation to do your bit to help tackle climate change and make North Somerset a healthier, ...

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Appeal For Wheelchairs, Zimmers And Crutches

Appeal For Wheelchairs, Zimmers And Crutches

20th September 2023

On 10th October, Lisa and Simon from Donate IT are heading back to the amazing school in Jodhpur for “differently abled” children : SKSN: A Residential School for the Physically ...

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