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Centre For Sustainable Energy: Home Energy Advice Helpline

27th September 2023

As part of North Somerset Council’s allocation of the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), a freephone home energy advice service is part-funded for households in North Somerset. The advice line, provided by Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE), offers free, impartial advice to all households. 

CSE is a national charity supporting people and organisations across the UK to tackle the climate emergency and to help end the suffering caused by cold homes. Working to provide long-term fixes, CSE shares knowledge that can help improve energy efficiency. CSE works with communities to educate people about energy whilst building local improvements.

Their services help thousands of people to reduce their bills, access benefits and undertake work to insulate their homes. Supporting those who are in, or are at risk of, fuel poverty to cut their carbon emissions, reduces financial stress and helps improve people’s mental and physical wellbeing.

The advice line provides advice and support covering various topics, including energy-saving measures, income maximisation, grants and benefits, and renewable energy technologies. The full support offered is outlined below:

  • Advice on grants, discounts and other offers that are available to help clients make energy saving improvements.
  • Advice on suitable measures and installations which would improve energy efficiency.
  • Checking eligibility for grants and referring clients to installers that will be able to undertake the work under grant funding.
  • Wider advice on how people can keep their home warmer and how they can save some money on their bills, often through energy saving tips and tricks.
  • Draught proofing support.
  • Helping those who are having trouble with understanding the way their energy bills work.
  • Supporting people with general supplier issues.

The advice line, 0800 082 2234, is open from 10am – 4pm on weekdays. There is also an email address,, which you can email and request a callback.

Cllr Annemieke Waite, North Somerset Council’s executive member for climate, waste and sustainability said: 

“We are delighted to be supporting the work CSE do through funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. I would encourage anyone concerned or wanting to learn more about energy support available to call the advice line. 

“Sadly, there is no end in sight to the cost of living crisis and we want to do all that we can to help. If you are struggling, please look on the council’s website at our cost of living pages, visit Citizens Advice or get in touch.” 

“It is important that we all commit to tackling the climate emergency, and improving the energy efficiency of homes across North Somerset will play a vital step in our journey to becoming a carbon neutral area by 2030. 

There are lots of ways to do your bit to reduce your carbon footprint and help tackle the climate emergency. Find out more at 

Cora Paine, Project Manager from the Centre for Sustainable Energy said:

“More people than ever are struggling with their energy bills and the rising cost of living. Installing insulation or upgrading your heating can really help lower your energy costs. The Home Energy Team are working with North Somerset Council to support people with energy advice so they can cut their bills and stay warmer and safer at home. We can help you access funding and grants, as well as tailored energy advice and support with bills. We give people the support they need.”

For more information about the UKSPF programme in North Somerset, visit   

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit   

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund replaces the EU Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF).   

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) launched the Rural England Prosperity Fund (Rural Fund), a top up to the UKSPF worth up to £110 million for 2023/24 and 2024/25. It is the domestic replacement for the European funded LEADER Programme used to support the development of rural economies. For more information, visit  

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