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Online training: upskilling and wellbeing

Keep your brain and body active by accessing online training developed by your local providers. For your physical or mental wellbeing – find the things that work for you and stick to it.
For useful resources explore the offers below.

Skills Tool Kit

Digital and numeracy skills are amongst those that are most sought after by employers, and can help you progress in work and boost your job prospects .Want to learn a new skill, find free, high quality digital and numeracy courses in The Skills Toolkit. 

Weston College

Weston College is supporting employees at risk of redundancy, or those who have had their job role made redundant and are looking for employment. Support includes:

  • Career progression training and qualifications, from entry level to degree level
  • Support with digital skills, including how to find employment and effective interviews
  • Connect people with opportunities throughout their extensive network of partners

Contact Weston college on 01934 411147 or for more information

North Somerset Community Learning

Accredited and non-accredited employability courses designed to improve skills and confidence for work and further education for those with barriers to employemnt. Support includes:

  • Basic and intermediate digital skills
  • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
  • Introduction to Self-Employment
  • General confidence building and personal development courses

More information on courses is available here. If you want to book a place, request a different course, or simply wish to find out more please email us at or call on 07767 671 633

Skills Support for Redundancies

A tailored programme will provide access to funded skills training, retraining and careers guidance to help you get back into employment. Support includes:

  • Career progression training
  • Support with CV writing, online job searching and application

Contact the team via email

Second Step Virtual wellbeing college

North Somerset Wellbeing Service is available to adults living in North Somerset, who need support with their mental health and wellbeing. We run a range of in-person and online wellbeing groups, workshops and specialist courses, which aim to help people develop skills to manage their own mental wellbeing and recovery journey. You can refer into our service or book a place for our groups by visiting our website North Somerset Wellbeing | Second Step | A Leading Mental Health Charity ( If you would like to speak to a member of the team to find out more information about how we can support you, please email or call us on 0333 023 3504.

VANS Step Forward

The VANS Step Forward project aims to support people living in North Somerset who are economically inactive and have barriers to accessing employment and who may be in recovery or have mental health or wellbeing challenges.  We will support your journey to discovering and utilising your SKILLS & LIFE experience, to enable you to step forward towards a positive future.

Discover your purpose in your community by empowering yourself through access to volunteering, employment, and training, with ongoing individual and peer support, tailored to meet your needs.


UK Learns

Created by Pearson, this portal provides a carefully curated selection of online courses to help the UK workforce learn new skills and earn qualifications or accreditationsIt is offering UK workers up to £5 million of free online courses that could open up better job and career opportunities during the global pandemic.  

Pearson has worked with partners including FutureLearn, OU OpenLearn, the School of Marketing and the National Extension College, to curate a range courses to suit different learners in different sectors. 

You can find the portal here:  

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