Supplying the Public Sector 2021
- 13th October 2021
- 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Register here:
Within public sector procurement, there is a growing emphasis on using public money for public good which means using the public sector’s large procurement spend on achieving environmental, social and economic benefits and contracts that are fit for purpose.
In turn, this means that our suppliers need to know what we want and how to be able to respond to that demand. We also know that suppliers and potential suppliers are experts in their market and are doing more than procurers are aware of and we are keen to learn from you.
This conference, aimed at SMEs in the West of England, will bring to life the changing the landscape of public sector procurement, how it affects procurement as well as how it will affect suppliers. Topics that will be addressed include:
As in previous years, we will demonstrate how to access contracts and support available to organisations, as well as an opportunity to meet procurement representatives in breakout groups.