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Council Services

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Selling to the NSC

Whether you know it as procurement, commissioning, purchasing, tendering, contracting or buying, Tenders and Procurement pages on the NSC website will help you do business with North Somerset Council.

If you’d like to receive alerts on public sector contract and tender opportunities from public bodies across the South West, including North Somerset Council, visit the Supplying the Southwest procurement portal.

Council services

Better Business for All (Trading Standards)

North Somerset Council is encouraging businesses to make use of the wide-ranging expertise within regulatory services.

Better Business for All programme encourages early joint-working between regulatory officers and businesses, so that regulators can better understand business challenges and hat businesses can get the most appropriate advice.

Working together North Somerset Council officers can help businesses:

  • Avoid unnecessary cost and time to rectify mistakes
  • Avoid reputational damage
  • Access other relevant business support and funding, or useful sources of information for their business.

Businesses can use regulatory services to help them:

  • Ensure they have proper licenses in place
  • Ensure that food safety and other health and safety standards and processes are in place
  • Ensure produce is correctly labelled

To find out more about Better Business for All, please visit the West of England Growth Hub Website

Buy with Confidence

Buy With Confidence is a national register of Trading Standards approved businesses run independently by local authority Trading Standards departments.

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Business Rates

The latest information on business rates and business rates reliefs.

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Planning (pre-app)

Planning Applications, Planning Policy, Local Land charges and Building Control.

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Development sites

Sustainable Travel

Information on sustainable travel in North Somerset and the West of England.

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the hive

the hive is a not for private profit organisation that acts as a “one-stop-shop” providing impartial and confidential guidance on every aspect of business start-up and growth so that you can launch, manage and grow your business with confidence.

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Schools and Education

Growth Hub

The West of England Growth Hub can provide the first port of call for all businesses looking to engage with any publicly funded business support project. The range of services on offer includes; finance assistance, support for high growth businesses, access to skills packages, manufacturing, innovation and research advice and export support.

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Export Support

Export Support

Whether you are a first time or established exporter struggling to; identify the right market for your product, respond to an export opportunity, prepare the correct documentation, check the labelling and packaging requirements, find the right logistics required there is advice available.

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North Somerset Town Hall

Council Services

For information on selling to the NSC, Better Businesses for All, Buy with Confidence, business rates, planning and sustainable travel, we have it here.

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Enterprising West of England

More Resources

For more resources on the national, regional and local level, they can be found here.

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