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North Somerset Corporate Plan And Budget Development

31st August 2023

Since the local elections in May, North Somerset’s new leadership has been mapping out its priorities for the next four years. They want to hear the views of key stakeholders about what is most important and how council tax should be spent.

Our current vision is to be open, fair and green, which we think still stands, but we’re keen to know whether you think this remains the right focus for the area. We’d also like to hear your views on our four draft ambitions for North Somerset and your views on the budget which will support the delivery of the plan. Our financial pressures haven’t gone away, so it’s really important that at the same time we’re planning our priorities for the next four years, we’re also looking at how we can make best use of limited resources to support our ambitions.

A public engagement exercise has launched with an engagement survey available online at North Somerset Corporate Plan and budget development – North Somerset Council Consultations ( Please do give us your views as key stakeholders and share with your networks where possible. After the engagement period ends, the draft plan will be developed before being shared publicly during November for more formal consultation. The responses to that consultation will inform the final version of the plan that will be presented to councillors in the new year for approval alongside the annual budget.

If you have any questions about the survey please contact our Business Planning team.

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