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Recruitment support for unsuccessful applicants

21st May 2024

If you are recruiting for staff and have to reject an applicant or two, please consider including the following information in your feedback:

Opportunity North Somerset is an impartial referral service to help residents over the age of 16 access an array of employment and skills support in North Somerset. 

It’s free and open to anyone who has been made redundant, has a disability, a mental health condition, is on probation, in recovery, has refugee status, is digitally excluded, would like to start their own business, or simply feel something is holding them back.

North Somerset Council is working with partner organisations to deliver the service, including Weston College, the Department for Work and Pensions, Voluntary Action North Somerset, Broadway Lodge, Women’s Work Lab, Community Learning, National Careers Service and many more.

Support is available over the phone or face-to-face in a hub, based in job centres and libraries across North Somerset. 

Find out more a  or email 

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