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Storm Henke Recovery Support: Have you been affected?

1st February 2024

Storm Henke hit North Somerset at the beginning of 2024, with gusts of wind up to 80mph on Tuesday, 2 January 2024. North Somerset Council is evaluating damages caused and encourage all businesses affected by this storm contact us by emailing in the first instance.

As part of the Government’s flood recovery framework; businesses and community organisations affected may be eligible for business/community recovery grants of £500-2,500 or business rate relief schemes. If you have been impacted by the weather event, directly or indirectly then you may be eligible:

  • Directly impacted: such as flood damage to property, equipment, or stock.
  • Indirectly impacted: such as no/highly restricted access to premises, equipment, or stock due to flooding or disruption; resulting loss of trade.

If you have been impacted, we encourage you to email by 29 February 2024 at latest. We will then review the local damages and if North Somerset has been impacted by Storm Henke and apply for recovery funding to support those affected.

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