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The Good Employment Charter

17th January 2024

The Good Employment Charter is a FREE tool to support organisations in the West of England boost productivity and achieve higher growth. It is a voluntary membership and accreditation scheme aimed to create an active network of employers within the region.

The Good Employment Charter promotes seven key benefits of good employment including security, flexibility, wellbeing and development. By making a pledge to meet these standards, participating organisations can become an ‘employer of choice’.

Providing your employees with security at work is no longer a nice to have, it’s a vital part of business processes. As well as being a benefit to employees, work security also makes business sense. By providing a secure workplace, you get:

  • · Increased loyalty and retention – people in secure work typically show increased loyalty toward their company
  • · Improved productivity – people in secure work have boosted productivity, meaning you can deliver more together.

There are already eight businesses in North Somerset who are supporters of the Charter:

Pipeline Products Ltd, It’seeze websites, North Somerset Enterprise Agency/The Hive, Bristol Airport Ltd, The Ethicurean, The Grand Pier, Elborough Care Services and Inspire Together.

We would like to encourage more employers to see how they can benefit and become employers of choice.

Please get in touch with the Good Employment Charter team today at the West of England and find out more information here

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