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Inside the World of Climate Action: Interview with Cara

12th December 2023

We asked Cara about her role as a climate emergency and sustainability coordinator at North Somerset Council. She shared an insight into her role:

My name is Cara and I have worked at North Somerset Council since October 2022. I originally started working at North Somerset Council on the NGDP graduate programme after studying history in Sheffield for 4 years. The graduate programme allowed me to move between placements in different teams within the council. My second placement in the Climate Emergency team was going so well that when a job came up, I knew straight away I wanted to apply for it.

What is your role within North Somerset Council?
I work as a climate emergency and sustainability coordinator within North Somerset. My role involves a wide range of activities working with people from different teams across the council and throughout the community.

Why did you choose your role?
I chose this role for many reasons. The most obvious being my concern for the environment and my desire to take real impactful action towards reducing the impacts of climate change. Aside from my personal motivations, the role provides so many great opportunities for me such as working with local businesses to help them decarbonise, delivering carbon literacy training to council staff, and the opportunity to study part time for an MSc in Business Sustainability. These great opportunities mean that my job is about more than my own personal commitment to the climate emergency as it also allows me to develop my own skills and to create connections with people across the local area.

What do you enjoy about your role?
The great thing about working in a green job is that it is always evolving and changing. Tackling the climate emergency is a new challenge to us all, and therefore our approach needs to be constantly checked and reviewed. As more information and technological advances become available, our response to the climate emergency changes, and our jobs must evolve too. Working in a climate role is never boring!

What is the importance of green jobs?
The reality of the climate emergency and the future means that we have to both protect ourselves against the impacts of climate change and we have to change how we live our lives to reduce future impacts. A huge part of the shift that we need to facilitate, involves an economic transition with green jobs at the centre of it. ‘Green jobs’ are helping to create that change now by reducing the carbon impact our actions and creating a better world for us all.

Why should someone consider a green job?
Jobs in this sector are full of innovation and are increasing constantly. The further we go towards a green transition, the more green roles are available to fit everyone’s passions and expertise! A green job will provide you with a great sense of purpose, improve a wide range of your own skills and prepare you for the future.

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