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Share your views on buses in North Somerset: Bus User Forum

22nd November 2023

Date: Tuesday 5 December
Session 1: 15:30 – 17:30
Session 2: 18:00 – 20:00
Location: Town Hall Council Chamber, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ

North Somerset Council is inviting North Somerset residents, community groups and businesses to attend a free Bus User Forum on Tuesday 5 December taking place at the Town Hall Council Chamber in Weston-super-Mare.

The Bus User Forum gives everyone the opportunity to input on future bus service improvement plans and share their experiences of bus travel in the area. Everyone who attends will be able to share their thoughts and discuss plans directly with council teams responsible for improving bus services in North Somerset.

There will be two repeat sessions taking place, one from 15:30 – 17:30 and the next from 18:00 – 20:00. Please attend only one session.

 During the session, the following information will be shared:

  • What is the Bus Service Improvement Plan and its aims
  • infrastructure updates
  • bus services updates
  • WESTlink
  • fares packages
  • the new passenger charter
  • becoming a bus champion

North Somerset Council welcomes residents, businesses, and community groups to discuss long-term activity that aims to reduce bus journey times and operating costs. By saving journey minutes, a cost-effective, reliable bus network is aimed to become the standard across the region.

“We would love to see as many people as possible at our Bus User Forum event on Tuesday 5 December. This will help us understand how the bus network across North Somerset currently works for you and what we can do to improve.
“Through our Bus Service Improvement Plan we are focusing on making small time journey savings across various locations in North Somerset that will add up to significant results. We are also working with communities to review bus services, fares, journey planning and the packages we offer. We want to work together with the community to create plans that will result in a sustainable bus network across North Somerset.” 

Cllr Hannah Young, Executive Member for Highways and Transport at North Somerset Council

Bus travel across the West of England Combined Authority and North Somerset area will become faster, more convenient, coordinated and better for the environment and your pocket than running a car. 

The Council and West of England Combined Authority received over £105 million from the Department for Transport to improve bus services by 2025. 

Working in partnership, they want to encourage everyone to ‘walk or wheel’ where possible, helping reach their carbon neutral goal by 2030. When that’s not possible, they want bus travel to be the first choice over car usage, helping to ease traffic congestion and create a greener way to travel.

More information on the Bus Improvement Service Plan can be found on the council website: Bus service improvement plan | North Somerset Council (  

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