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Many happy Returns – And Singles! First Passengers Encouraged To Sign Up For Free Bus Travel

14th July 2023

The website for local residents to apply for their free month of birthday travel is now live.

Locals can now apply for a month of free bus use at

Every resident in the West of England and North Somerset is being offered free bus travel throughout the month their birthday falls over the next year thanks to an innovative initiative.

It is hoped birthday buses will act as a catalyst for bus travel in the West of England and North Somerset regions to boost the number of passengers and, with a whole month of free travel, encourage a long-term shift in travel behaviour.

Head to the website with a digital photo to claim your bus pass today.

In launching the website, leader of North Somerset Council Cllr Mike Bell said: “We’re pleased to be a part of this innovative scheme to encourage travel by bus. Alongside improvements to our bus network and the new WESTlink service, this will be another reason for North Somerset residents to celebrate. If your birthday is coming up, please sign up today and enjoy free travel.”

West of England Metro Mayor Dan Norris said: “I hope birthday buses encourage new people to hop on the bus and try it out – perhaps for a regular commute, to go to the shops, a restaurant, or to spend their weekends enjoying the amazing attractions and great beauty of our region. We really need more people using buses to cut congestion, pollution and noise – and meet our important and very ambitious 2030 net zero targets. So please sign up today for your birthday travel.”

As well as being a great birthday gift it is hoped the birthday bus scheme will mitigate the economic impact of congestion which costs the West of England £300 million a year and sadly is responsible for around 300 early deaths a year.

The birthday bus scheme is part of joint investment plan by the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority and North Somerset Council to encourage new passengers to travel by bus and so create a sustainable and growing network. 

The scheme is funded via the Bus Service Improvement Plan. Bus travel across the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority and North Somerset area will become faster, more convenient, coordinated and better for the environment and your pocket than running a car.

The West of England Mayoral Combined Authority and North Somerset Council received over £105 million from the Department for Transport to improve bus services by 2025. Working in partnership, the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority and North Somerset Council want to encourage everyone to ‘walk or wheel’ where possible, helping reach their carbon neutral goal by 2030. When that’s not possible, they want bus travel to be the first choice over car usage – helping to ease traffic congestion, and a greener way to travel.

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