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Netwalk your way, to business success! – Freelance Mum

9th February 2023

The award-winning networking group, Freelance Mum, has launched a brand-new hub in North Somerset. The hub is run by two business leaders, Adele Williams of Super Funky Penguin and Amy Stephens, from Anorak Cat.

The group meets once a month in Clevedon, for fresh air and focus questions and enables mums in business to network and (crucially) bring their children.

The idea of ‘baby-strapping’, was created by founder, Faye Dicker in 2013, after her own need juggling motherhood around her voiceover work. There wasn’t a network that supported parents in business, so she created Freelance Mum.

The child-friendly netwalks ran successfully in Bristol for 6 years until Covid struck. It was only then, that the business model pivoted and Faye was able to launch more hubs across the country.

“When Covid hit us, I instantly launched a weekly on-line coffee morning, which allowed freelance mums, to talk and connect. We suddenly had even more responsibilities, with home schooling and trying to keep our businesses afloat. It was a tough time for everyone and the support was even more vital. When the Covid restrictions began to lift and world began to open up, we were able to bring back our netwalks again – but it was clear to see the online coffee mornings were here to stay. Suddenly we had a scalable model! Members could meet in person at netwalks across the country once a month and then all connect at the weekly online coffee morning. It proved an instant hit!”.

Founding members of Freelance Mum, Adele Williams and Amy Stephens jumped at the opportunity to launch a hub near them. Adele had been the official photographer of the Bristol netwalks, whilst Amy and her husband Rich, had sponsored the events, through their business Anorak Cat. Amy & Adele now run monthly netwalks, setting off from Clevedon salthouse car park, to support freelance mums across North Somerset. The netwalks are carefully designed to support mums in business and are structured in a way that allows them to make connections and bring their children.

“The fresh air and focus questions are an important part of Freelance Mum, it’s well recognised the importance of connecting with nature for our well-being and clarity. In a world where everything can feel fast paced, it’s even more important to take some time out and connect with fellow business owners who are on the same page. The focus questions keep conversation on track and help members get the most from the sessions.”

The hubs across the country, all follow the same format, so members know what to expect, whichever hub they visit. However, each hub has it’s own signature features – the North Somerset netwalk, for example, explains Faye, has introduced the ‘Pier Selfie’, which is a great moment in the netwalk. It allows the attendees to stop for a moment and take a photo, they can later share on social media. It’s little moments like that, that help add personality to the walks and with plans to launch more hubs across the region and support more mums in business, Faye is definitely keen to keep growing the network across the country.

For more information or to visit the North Somerset netwalk, please visit

Photo credit to Adele Williams, Super Funky Penguin

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