Explore North Somerset @ Mendip Activity Centre
7th February 2023
A networking event for Visitor Economy providers, businesses, and organisations across North Somerset
Join us on the 13th of March for an afternoon at the Mendip Activity Centre to meet with other Visitor Economy businesses from across North Somerset and discover opportunities for collaboration, skill-sharing, and the latest news.
Guest Speakers will include:
- Tom Batten – Head of Consultancy of Future Leap
- Dan Mills – Head of Commercial and Industry Engagement of Visit West
- John Turner – CEO of Visit Somerset
- David Eddins – Managing Director of Mendip Activity Centre
The event will begin at 1pm and will feature discussions from our guest speakers as well as the chance to take a tour of Mendip Activity Centre.
Hosted by North Somerset Council, Explore North Somerset is a series of events that will take place across the county to showcase the distinct offer that North Somerset offers to visitors and provide a space for Visitor Economy businesses to connect, develop and grow.
Explore North Somerset is free to attend but places will be limited. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
Find out more and book your place