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Has Hybrid working made us more annoying?

19th September 2022

Is the new office jargon a sign that hybrid workers feel disconnected?

According to a recent national survey by leading research agency Perspectus Global and commissioned by The Access Group, 91% of those polled agree that hybrid working has changed the way we talk and communicate with our colleagues in the workplace.

Out of the 1,000 workers surveyed, 69% of respondents felt the impact of the pandemic and subsequent trend towards hybrid working has increased the amount of specialist language and terminology being used in the workplace. 

Phrases like “touch base” and “keep me in the loop” were recognised as some of the most annoying to come out of the era of home and hybrid working according to the new research, and are perhaps an indication that remote and hybrid workers are experiencing anxiety around effective communication with colleagues.

To view the full list of annoying phrases highlighted in the survey click here

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