Upcoming Workforce for the Future sessions
16th September 2022
Workforce for the Future is a free service that will help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to identify and address their skills needs, by upskilling and retraining employees, in areas such as digital, or support them to source and bring in new staff, including apprentices or work placements to drive their business forwards.
Many employers have told us that they are prepared to train a member of their team to learn how to create a website, build a brand to maximise marketing, and maintain their online ‘shop window’ on an ongoing basis – but need support with training. To respond, Weston College have created a ‘bundle’ of courses enabling employers to attend a series of workshops to develop these skills.
Managing WordPress and Website Content | Weston College – 18th October at The Hive, 6 Beaughfighter Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 8EE
Build your Brand & Maximise your Marketing | Weston College – 9th November at The Hive, 6 Beaughfighter Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 8EE
Getting started and managing E-commerce in Word Press | Weston College – 29th November at The Hive, 6 Beaughfighter Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 8EE
This bundle of workshops is fully funded for SMEs based in the West of England (North Somerset, Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset, South Gloucestershire) as part of the Workforce for the Future project in partnership with the West of England Combined Authority. Delivered by industry experts to provide skills, at no cost (for eligible SMEs), I’m sure this will be popular!
Please book a space using the course links above or contact Lauren Smith (lauren.smith@weston.ac.uk) for further information.