Free Support to work towards net zero
12th August 2022
Is your business asking itself, “what steps should we be taking to become more sustainable?”
Skills for Clean Growth is a fully funded programme of support led by the University West of England (Bristol UWE) in collaboration with NatWest and the West of England Combined Authority (WECA).
Sign up for a free online “Clean Growth 101” workshop on Thursday 15 September: an hour and a half’s introduction to learn about the growth opportunities of being more sustainable.
The programme is specifically designed to help the West of England’s SMEs reach the region’s target of net zero carbon by 2030. Contact the team to register here.
Part of the programme includes a workshop on Thursday 15 September called “Clean Growth 101”. You can join the workshop online or in person if you prefer. It is aimed at bringing a wide range of individuals across organisations up to speed with the language, challenge and opportunity for the transition to Net Zero. The session will introduce key concepts, demystify some of the language and describe support available. To register for this workshop click here