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Employability, skills and training support in North Somerset

13th July 2021

The West of England Combined Authority are working with partners to ensure that all  residents have the opportunity to get the skills and training they need to succeed, and to secure the jobs that are being created in the region.

A portal has been created that lists the support services and training available in the West of England to help people find the right support – whether they’re joining the workforce for the first time, looking for a new job opportunity or planning how to progress at work.

The following guides bring together the local, regional and national skills, training and employment services available to residents and businesses in the West of England.  The guides are broken down into the following categories:

1. Careers Information, Guidance, Coaching and Support (Aged 11-18), (Aged 18+), Careers Platforms and Skills Information Portals;

2. Employability, Job Search, CV and Interview Preparation and Support with Gaining Employment;

3. Traineeship, Kickstart, T-Level and Apprenticeships;

4. Upskilling, Reskilling and Progression Within Work;

5. Redundancy Support (Individuals);

6. Business support (workforce development and skills); and

7. Wellbeing Support SEND and Individualised Support.

This information will be regularly updated, acting as a self-service all-age access ‘hub’ for careers, retraining, upskilling and employability support. It and will evolve over the coming months to improve navigation and accessibility for all users.

As well as setting out the type of support available, these documents also list any eligibility criteria, website address and geographic coverage, making it easy for everyone to find the most appropriate skills and training provision.

Details of further localised provision can be accessed through North Somerset Council business and skills website: If you’d like further information about the portal, or have a service or provision that you would like listing, please email

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