Webinar on Government Business Grants
20th January 2021
North Somerset Council is holding a webinar for all businesses to discuss the business grants available and wider business support.
Time and date: Thursday 28 January, 4pm – 5pm
Location: https://youtu.be/PU2RXn3mqPw
You can ask questions via Slido: www.slido.com #NSCbusiness
If you’ve not yet claimed your grant entitlement or are unclear about what you can claim for join this webinar. North Somerset Council also now has a dedicated phone line and email address for enquiries to help businesses to identify which grants they can claim for and help them to apply for those grants.
So far the council has given out £46m of government grants to around 4,000 businesses across the area. However, it believes there are still many businesses in North Somerset who could be eligible for one or more of the various grants available but have not yet come forward.
Businesses should contact the council’s business grants team on 01934 888114 or email businessgrants@n-somerset.gov.uk