Join the consultation – The North Somerset Local Plan 2038: Choices for the Future
3rd November 2020
The Planning Policy Team are asking for your comments on general locations for new development as part of the spatial strategy element of the Local Plan. A Consultation Statement has been developed following comments submitted over the summer which has informed this next phase; Choices.
Choices will help the council to identify the preferred strategy for addressing future needs within North Somerset. Following this the next stage is to identify potential locations to deliver the growth required. This will be set out in a draft plan which will be subject to further consultation next year.
The North Somerset Local Plan will guide housing, jobs and business investment, transport, community facilities and supporting infrastructure in the area until 2038. It will also shape investment and funding for the infrastructure which will support new homes, workplaces and community facilities for the next 15 years and beyond.
We have prepared a short questionnaire which will take a few minutes to complete. You will have to register to take part which just requires an e-mail address and password – you will already have one if you’ve taken part in one of our previous consultations. You can also read the main Choices document and all the supporting documents by following the questionnaire link.
All the information about previous and forthcoming Local Plan stages as well as this Choices consultation can also be found at
Have your say and help shape North Somerset’s future.