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Access to work scheme: support for individuals with a disability or health condition – a reminder

14th December 2022

Access to Work is a government scheme that can pay for extra support to help individuals start or stay in work. The support that individuals are offered will be based on their needs and could include a grant to help cover the costs of practical support in the workplace. It may pay for additional support on top of any reasonable adjustments an individual has agreed with their employer.

It is available for those with health conditions (either mental or physical), or a disability that affects them at work. An Access to Work grant does not need to be paid back and could pay for a range of different support that an individual may need, including:

  • Support workers to help the individual
  • Specialist equipment to make working easier
  • Help with the cost of travel to work and back
  • Mental health support

People can check their eligibility and apply for Access to Work on the GOV.​UK website.
The Department for Work and Pensions has produced an easy-read factsheet to help councils raise awareness in their area.

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